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Personal growth

You don’t need to have your life all figured out

This week, this is a very important article for me, as it is coming from deeply within my heart. There is something I needed to remind myself of:

It is okay to not have everything figured out.

You don’t know what to do with your life? You don’t know where to go to, nor what you want? Don’t worry! You don’t have to have your whole life figured out right here at the spot. Even if you have absolutely nothing figured out… so what!? Everything will happen as it is supposed to happen, everything will fall into place, your view will become clearer, and you will find your way. No need to stress, because after all…

…Your life is NOW!

What we tend to forget it that life is not happening in the past, nor in the future, but RIGHT NOW. Life is short and we should be savoring every single minute of it, but instead, we so often find ourselves wondering about the future. Think about this for a second: All the time you worry about the future, what is it giving to your now? Nothing but a worried, full mind. You should be enjoying your life right now, because your NOW is everything you will ever have! Your life consists of moments and not time. A moment is timeless. Decide to live in all those timeless moments. Don’t live in the time. Live in the moment.

Don’t live in the time. Live in the moment.

Find peace within you

The most important thing is to be at peace with yourself this very moment. This means, be happy with where you are right now and don’t beat yourself up over everything you don’t know yet. Everything will come when it is time, and you are fine just the way and where you are. Connect to yourself and follow your needs and desires of this moment. It will help you find peace within you and be happy with where you are right now. Learn to love yourself and you will learn to trust life and what it has to offer you.

Trust the process

Your life also is a succession of experiences, and each of your experiences teaches you something. So to figure anything out, you need experience. And with every new experience, you will get a little closer to your answers. You grow with every moment, every experience, every happening, and all of it is leading you to your truth, step by step. Allow it, and trust the process. Stop stressing and building yourself pressure for nothing.

It can be difficult not to worry too much about your future... but when that happens, you miss to be happy NOW! Learn why it is okay to not have everything figured out yet here! #life #personalgrowth #future #fear
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How to deal with the pressure from the outside

“Fine, but what about my parents and friends who are asking me about what I plan to do? How could I ignore their questions? How could I not feel pressured when I’m confronted with “what I don’t know yet” all the time?”

Of course this is tricky, but in the end they are just concerned about you because they love you, and here’s the thing: If you learn to trust yourself and find peace within you, they will notice and feel that trust, and they will start to trust you, too.

If you trust yourself, people will trust you, too.

In some years you will laugh

In some years from now, you will be looking back to this moment and laugh, because you will know everything fell into place and you needn’t have worried. You found your way, and even if not, you will be confident and tell yourself: it is okay to not have everything figured out. After all, life would be boring if you had all the answers, wouldn’t it?

There is always time

You may go in the “wrong” direction more than once, you may fail, you may struggle, you may feel lost… but as I said, all that happens bring you nearer to who you really are, and it is never too late to try something else, as long as you trust and don’t give up and settle. Remember to LIVE.

Related article: 11 ways to deal with overwhelm


My name is Claudia Bleser, I'm a coffee addict, a unicorn fan, and I love working out and eating... especially cakes and cookies. I love chatting with people about life and personal growth things, and oh, well, of course, I like writing. I'm happy you're here and I'd love to chat with you!



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