Are you a victim of your own limiting beliefs?
Limiting beliefs are what keeps you from taking action. The action that is obviously indispensable for your growth. Basically, limiting beliefs hold you back. However, you are not forced to keep them, because you choose what you believe. Read on to learn about some concrete limiting beliefs and how you can get rid of them.

Where do limiting beliefs come from and why do we even have them?
Limiting beliefs are born out of fear. The fear of failure. Why do we have that fear? Well, here enters our well-known “comfort zone”. Man is a creature of habit, and once we try to break out of our habit, the fear pops up to try to pull us back into the comfort. Everything new is unknown and scary, and a possibility to fail. So to make changes nevertheless, we need to detect that fear, understand it and then fight it.

1. Limiting belief: “I can’t be myself because I will be judged.”
Yes, people will judge you. So what? Know that you can never please everyone, and there will always be people judging you. Don’t mind those people. Focus on those who love you. Decide to be you, the real you, and you will be able to show your true potential. When you are not you, you are basically wasting your time. You are on this earth to be you because you are unique, and this world needs you.

2. Limiting belief: “I can’t do this”
Yes, that‘s true when you believe it. However, there’s a trick: Start telling yourself the opposite: “I can do this.” And you will notice that it works the same way as your initial thought. You can do whatever you believe you can. You are as good as you believe you are. When you start believing that you can, you’ll notice it comes hand in hand with the motivation to give it everything.
Don’t let the fear of failure beat you and either give it everything or keep doing what you have been doing and don’t try at all.

3. Limiting belief: “I don’t feel ready”
You can wait your entire life to finally feel ready, and you never will. Just go for it instead. I know it sounds scary, but please think for a moment: Did the good things in your life come by waiting for them? Surely not. Good things happen when you take action and step out of your comfort zone.
In addition to this, if you always felt ready, new things would not be nearly as exciting and challenging. Just go for it and be open to learn and grow. To learn more about why you should not wait to feel ready, click here for some inspiration from Mel Robbins.
4. Limiting belief: “I will be rejected”
Don’t take this as an excuse. The truth is, you may be rejected from time to time (you may also NOT), but that’s just how it should be, and every rejection is just another opportunity for something better. Every closed door opens another. Life consists of trial and error, and you are growing in the process. Embrace the rejection, continue to strive, and nobody will be able to beat you. Here is an inspiring video on this topic: If you’ve been rejected – WATCH THIS I by Jay Shetti.

5. Limiting belief: “I can’t decide because I will decide wrong”
There is no wrong decision. As discussed in my article on the power of choice, it is impossible to make a wrong decision, because every decision somehow brings you nearer to your goal, either directly or indirectly. Decision-making is the greatest power that you have, and you should absolutely use that power!
You will win
If anybody ever tells you he has never dealt with thoughts like this, he probably is not being honest. I believe that every human being encounters those thoughts at some time, and your success in life is defined only by your ability to control these thoughts and fight them. Let me tell you: you will fight them, and you will win over them. There is no doubt about that because you are strong.
Some related piece of information for you: How to identify your limiting beliefs.
I challenge you to start changing your beliefs now. Start by one. Tell yourself the opposite of it, as often as possible, and you will expand into the unlimited you, rocking at life and growing, growing, growing!
Do you have any other limiting belief? I’d love to hear from you and start a conversation in the comments!
Tell me what you think!