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The importance of dreams in your life

person sitting on top of gray rock overlooking mountain during daytime

Do you have a life dream? I do. But not for that long. I only found one recently, when I finally managed to stop lying to myself. Before that, I was not even able to dream. But now I believe that everyone should have dreams.

Dreams are there to show you the way.

Dreams are extremely important for you to live a fulfilled, happy and interesting life. Let’s do a little exploration on this topic. Let me explain you why you should have at least one big life dream.

Dreams are very important and everybody should have dreams! Learn why, and how you can learn to dream if you can't. #dreams #vision #personalgrowth #lifedream #lifedreambucketlist #lifedreaminspiration
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What is a “dream”?

A dream is a vision in your mind that you absolutely would like to fulfill eventually. It is the representation of your true desires. It may seem far away and unreachable, it may feel absolutely impossible to reach, but that is just what you need. Dreams are what gives us something to work towards. 

What do dreams do?

Dreams represent your wishes deep inside. They show you what you desire, and that’s how you know where to head to. Dreams are the goals that you want to achieve, which gives you the motivation to work towards them. You develop the ambition to get to what you have your mind set on.

What is the benefit?

Once you have a clear dream in your mind, your brain will automatically look for steps to take to get nearer to your goal. This is how dreams help you grow, find your path and purpose… they lead you to what you are meant to be doing. They keep you optimistic and active and they reward you with pride and a feeling of accomplishment once you reach them.

Why you may have difficulties to dream

If you cannot dream, then you may be on the wrong path in your life. Find out if you are on the wrong path with my 15 signs you are on the wrong path. As I have already told you above, I was not able to dream, and that was the case for a very long time. I had been following the path in life I had been taking for the right one for me for so long, without realizing that there may be other more exciting things in life.

The wrong path

I was on the wrong path, and I never had a dream because I couldn’t think of anything exciting in connection with what I was doing. It was like being in a tunnel, and while being too busy being unhappy, I just could not dream. I struggled with setting goals, so I just could not dream.

You can’t dream if you can’t think of anything exciting to come. You need to free yourself from your own lie and start being honest and allow your true self to expand and start dreaming.

Do you know yourself?

This is the big paradox about dreams: You cannot dream if you don’t know yourself, alias you don’t know what you want. At least this is the reason why I ended up on the wrong path. That’s why it is important to take time to discover yourself. Find some help with these amazing 50 journal prompts for self-discovery on

Believe me, deep within you, you know what you want, you just need to give yourself permission to dig that deep and to find out your true desires. Only then they can form into dreams.

How to dream

  • Allow yourself to be a dreamer and to have visions, no matter how far away they seem. Visions are what keeps you growing. Don’t ever say “I am too old to dream” or “I have no time to dream”, because you can always grow.
  • Take time for yourself to find out more about you and what you want.
  • Don’t let yourself be intimidated by what other people are saying. Other people may laugh at your dreams, because they may not believe in you, but they don’t know your power.
  • Believe in yourself. Once you believe in yourself, you can achieve everything. Work on your self-confidence.

You can achieve everything.

Every dream will be reached.

If you only believe

and keep working.


My name is Claudia Bleser, I'm a coffee addict, a unicorn fan, and I love working out and eating... especially cakes and cookies. I love chatting with people about life and personal growth things, and oh, well, of course, I like writing. I'm happy you're here and I'd love to chat with you!



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