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You have the power of choice

Life is formed by our choices. We make choices every single moment of our lives. Everything we do during our day is a choice, even though we may not be conscious of it.

To remain in bed for 2 minutes more in the morning is a choice. To eat porridge for breakfast is another. And every other action we take or don‘t take in life.

Choices are also important for us to grow, and they also can either keep us stuck or make us move forward. Important to know is that no matter what, you always have a choice. No matter how bad your current life situation is, you always have the choice to change it. You can always choose to either stay or move. This is because you have the power of choice.

Let’s talk a little more about the power of choice.

Life is formed by our choices. And you ALWAYS can choose, because you have the power of choice. Learn how to choose and take the power over your life! #choice #personalgrowth #power #life #choicelife #lifechoice #choiemaking #selfhelp#everythingisachoice
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Choose to choose

If you ever feel stuck or unhappy in life, know that you have the choice to make a difference.

You are always one decision away from a totally different life.

Mark Batterson

You always have a choice, because you possess the power of choice. The only thing you need to do is to choose to consciously use your power. And while doing that, you are already using it…! Choose to choose!

The power of choice

The power of choice is the greatest power there is, and the best part about it is is that it is a power. What comes with a power? Yes, control. The power of choice gives you the control of determining your path in life. You decide where to go next and you can become whoever you want. Nobody else has that power over you except yourself.

Only you can decide who you become.

Seth Adam Smith, Rip Van Winkle and the Pumpkin Lantern

The choices you make allow you to decide your destiny. You are no victim, you are the leader.

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New choices for changes

It sometimes is tough to make decisions because we live in a constant fear of the unknown. We can’t know the consequences of our decisions, and if they turn out to be harmful, we may end up regretting. However, we cannot use this as an excuse for doing nothing.

Doing nothing is also a choice, but if you want a change in your life, you should not make use of it. Because new choices are what brings us changes, and changes are what makes us grow.

Let go of the past

Making a new choice means to stop making the choices of your past. If you have always been making the same choices, you know the consequences and you are on the safe side, but you never step out of your comfort zone.

A new choice means to stop living in the past and start living in the now. A new choice means taking responsibility for yourself, allowing yourself to grow and get closer to your goals in life.

You decide your destiny. You decide the pace, you decide the path. And you can make it great.

Some tips on how to make a choice

There is not one right way to make a choice, but here is some advice on how to make the choices easier.

1) Know that every decision is a good decision

Yes, you read that right.

Everything in life is a decision. And every decision is a good decision. Even the decisions that bring you into dead ends are good because else you would not have known it was a dead end, right?

It is about trial and error. If you don’t try, you will never know whether it would have led to success or not. And even if it does not, you can go on from there. You cannot lose, you can only win.

2) Don’t let emotions get into your way

Don’t let the fear beat you. There is no need to be afraid of the unknown because without stepping into the unknown, you would never encounter anything new, therefore you would never learn. Embrace the unknown and don’t let it stop you. Let it attract you.

3) Be intuitive

Don’t think too much, because it will drive you crazy. Instead, trust your intuition. As you don’t know the consequences of your decisions before you take them, there actually is no way of finding the answer by thinking about it.

4) Be open and never regret

Be open to new things in your life. Let go of the old you and step out of your comfort zone. Life is meant to be challenging, else it would be boring, wouldn‘t it? That’s why you should open up and face life, completely free of regrets. Because that‘s the life you deserve.

If those tips sound difficult for you, then you need to learn to trust yourself more. When you trust yourself, making choices becomes a lot easier because you become aware that you are always right just the way you are, and it immediately becomes more clear that every decision is the right decision. For more information about this, I invite you to read my post on the number one way to boost your self-confidence.

Related: 25 ways to build your self-confidence

Now you are ready to go out and make all those pending decisions that you should not wait to make. They will bring you out of your comfort zone and make you live your best life.

It is time to rise above yourself!

My name is Claudia Bleser, I'm a coffee addict, a unicorn fan, and I love working out and eating... especially cakes and cookies. I love chatting with people about life and personal growth things, and oh, well, of course, I like writing. I'm happy you're here and I'd love to chat with you!



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