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9 reasons why you feel stuck in life

9 reasons why you feel stuck in life_Claudia Bleser

Do you feel stuck at an unhappy place in your life? Do you have no joy or meaning in life? And you don’t know what you can do to get out of there? Or you have taken action, but it didn’t help? Then here I give you my 9 reasons why you feel stuck in life.

All of the reasons I’m going to list are ways you’re standing in your own way. Read to find out how you might be sabotaging yourself!

1. You let life happen to you

You have the control over your life. You decide your destiny. And as long as you don’t use that control in your favor, life will always be happening to you, which keeps you stuck and helpless.

To get unstuck, the first thing you need to do it to decide to take responsibility for your own life and take the action to change it.

2. You take passive action

If you’ve already taken action, but nothing changed, then maybe you’re taking the wrong kind of action: passive action instead of active action.

In this case, it’s easy to get frustrated, because it feels like you’re working for nothing.

But you aren’t; you only missed one vital thing.

Passive action means educating yourself about what you want to do. You researched the information, but don’t put it into action. Using the information to actively change something is the active action.

I’m myself a master of passive action and only these past weeks have I been learning to put the actual work in! It’s worth it to switch to active action.

Do you feel stuck in life and don't know how to move on from here? Do you have no joy or meaning in life? Read my 9 reasons why you feel stuck in life to find out what it is you need to change! #feelstuck #personalgrowth #howtogetunstuck
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3. You have the wrong mindset

Your mindset defines the rules you live your life by, and the best thing about it is that you create it.

To change something in your life and move on from where you’re currently, you need to develop a mindset of growth. Check out this post to know more.

Also, here are 7 mindset patterns that are preventing your happiness.

4. You have limiting beliefs

This is the most common way of sabotaging yourself – by bombarding yourself with limiting thoughts based on limiting beliefs constantly. If you believe you are not worthy or not good enough to have or do the very thing that would help you get unstuck, then you’re going to be stuck forever, unless you say goodbye to those limiting beliefs.

Take the first step today and identify them with the help of this post.

5. You are not willing to take any risks

Growth and change in life always require you to take risks and go to places you’ve never been before.

In other words: step out of your comfort zone. Do uncomfortable things. If you aren’t willing to step out of your comfort, you can’t expect to grow and get unstuck.

6. You overthink

Thinking can literally make you sick. If you think too much, you worry too much, you become afraid, you decide to stay where you are. The solution to this is simply to stop overthinking – Here are my 9 tips to stop overthinking!

7. You care about what other people think

Other people have always known you the way you’ve always been, and you’re afraid of how they might react to your change – so you’d better not change.

You must learn to stop caring about what other people think, because the right people for you will support you, and the wrong people will automatically disappear.

To find out how to do that, read my 10 tips to stop caring about what other people think.

8. You don’t have a vision

It’s not easy to change and move on in life if you don’t know where you’re headed. Create a vision for your life: Where do you want to be in 5 years from now? What’s your dream?

Take some time for self-discovery. Once you’ve figured out your vision, you’ll be able to find out how to get unstuck now and start moving towards your goals.

9. You’ve lost connection with yourself

If you’re stressed out and confused about what to do next, what to think and feel, it’s time you reconnect with your true self. I’m convinced you’ll find out by yourself what you need to do to get unstuck. Read this post to find out how to reconnect with yourself.

I hope you have found the reason why you feel stuck. Maybe you don’t take responsibility for your life, you don’t take active action, your mindset’s standing in your way and you suffer from limiting beliefs. Or you stay in your comfort zone, you overthink and care about other people’s thoughts, you don’t know have a vision or you’ve lost connection with yourself.

Now that you know why you’re stuck, you can find out the next step you need to take to solve that issue now!

Do you know any other reason for being stuck in life? Write me in the comments!


My name is Claudia Bleser, I'm a coffee addict, a unicorn fan, and I love working out and eating... especially cakes and cookies. I love chatting with people about life and personal growth things, and oh, well, of course, I like writing. I'm happy you're here and I'd love to chat with you!



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