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7 ways to add magic back into your life

7 ways to add magic back into your llife

In everyday life, it happens that your entire life turns into a routine. You get up, go to work, come home, eat, practice some hobby, go to bed and… repeat. Where’s the magic, the excitement…?

Here’s a question for you:

Do you remember what life felt like when you were a little child?

I bet you were filled with curious energy, enjoyed yourself and never used to want to go to sleep at night? Think back to the days you actually liked to get out of bed and discover new amazing things every day!

Why do you have lost contact with that happy child? Why have you lost the ability to see magic in life?

Life happened and you grew up. You have lost connection with the child within you.

Now, of course, you can’t turn back into a child, but there are ways you can get some magic back into your life. Here are 7 ways to find back magic in life.

7 ways to add magic back into your life. Dream big and rediscover the child within you to find those sparkles back! Stop the boredom and make your life exciting again.
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1. Let the child take over sometimes

Do all the things you think are childish. Do all the silly things you wished for when you were a child, but nobody let you.

Also, open your eyes.

Look at your everyday life as if it was all new to you every single day. See the beauty of this world and scan for things you haven’t noticed yet. Celebrate the little things in life, like a smile from a stranger, a ray of sunshine on your knees when you’re sitting in the train, the birds singing outside your window… Give the child within you space to find magic in reality.

2. Write a bucket list

A bucket list is a list to cultivate ideas you want to do some day in your life. They are things you would regret not doing at the end of your life. These can be crazy ideas like bungee jumping or climbing the Mount Everest. Be creative and take some time to think about what you’d absolutely love to do in your life.

Then hang it on the wall for you to see it everyday and let those ideas slowly but steadily come closer to you. Write them down, and you’ll find a way to tick them all off, one by one.

I found a really inspiring post from Amy on where she shares her bucket list on 30 things before she’s turning 30. She has a powerful message, so I suggest you give it a read!

3. Dream and visualize

Visualize your dream life on a daily basis. It will not only give you a damn good feeling and let your eyes sparkle like a magic spell, it’ll also help you to actually approach that dream! Visualization is a powerful tool to make your dreams more real. Walt Disney once said:

If you can dream it, you can do it

-Walt Disney

If you feel like you are no dreamer, check out this post.

4. Try new things

Life stays exciting if you keep challenging yourself to try new things. If you have ideas like trying a new class, testing another book genre, moving to another city… don’t ignore them, go for them!

5. Be spontaneous

In the midst of your responsible planning, you should always stay flexible enough to be spontaneous, because that’s how you experience adventures! This way, everyday life stays interesting! Don’t shy away from doing spontaneous things.

6. Practice gratitude

Gratitude opens your eyes for the amazing things you have in your life, and you’ll learn to appreciate them more. It adds magic to what already is there. It also helps to create a positive mindset. Learn more about that here.

A great way to do practice gratitude is by keeping a gratitude journal. Write down 3-5 things you are grateful for every morning and dive deep into the feeling of gratitude. It will make a major difference!

Find some more information in this great post about How to start a gratitude journal from Paula on!

7. Change your routine – do something different!

We all have routines. However, by the definition of a routine, it is something we repeat all the time. They’re automated behaviors we’ve developed for the sake of not having to think about them anymore, just like brushing your teeth in the morning.

Those things become normal, even boring. Get some magic back into your life by adding a little twist to your habits. For example: take another route to work, choose another meal in your favorite restaurant, choose to read a book after work instead of watching television. Or, to go with the teeth brushing example… Get an electric toothbrush or change your toothbrushing-technique!

In this way, you keep surprising yourself and make your everyday life more exciting and unpredictable!

These were only 7 of all the amazing ways to add some magic to your life. What are your suggestions for more magic in our busy lives? I’d love to learn from you in the comments!

Thank you for reading,


My name is Claudia Bleser, I'm a coffee addict, a unicorn fan, and I love working out and eating... especially cakes and cookies. I love chatting with people about life and personal growth things, and oh, well, of course, I like writing. I'm happy you're here and I'd love to chat with you!




  • Such great tips, Claudia! I love the idea to change up your routine. That’s always a great way to add back the excitement 🙂 I also like to travel to new places to bring back the magic. Thanks for the link to my gratitude post, by the way!

  • Claudia Bleser

    Hi Paula, thank you for your kind words! Traveling definitely is a great way to find some magic beyond your routines. Sure, your work deserves it 😀

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