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The one key to success in your life

Do you want to know what is the one thing you need to become successful in life? The one key to success? That one thing that basically changes your entire way of living? I am going to tell you and explain you why. So if you want to finally step out of your own way and become successful. I advice you to read on and find out what it is that you need!

Do you wonder how successful people got there where they are? Do you envy them? Well, don't worry, I can tell you what their secret is! The key to success is self-confidence! Find out more! #self-love #self-help #happiness #success #life
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It’s that easy.

Think back to the times you felt the most alive, the strongest, the most excited? Those were the times you felt the most self-confident in your life, right?

Now did people notice you were vibrating with energy? I bet they did. Which again made you feel even better about yourself, right?

But somewhen, life just happened and your self-confidence shrank again. It happens, and that’s normal and okay.

But imagine you could be in that state forever, how amazing life would feel! That’s why you absolutely need to strengthen your self-confidence so that it becomes a natural feature of yours and never leaves you ever again. If you’re not convinced yet, let me show you with my 5 reasons why self-confidence is the key to YOUR success!

1. You will finally be heard and seen

Have you ever asked yourself why, when certain people enter a room, the entire atmosphere shifts? Or did you ever talk to somebody and it felt like there is some kind of vibrating energy emerging from that particular person? Did you ever talk to somebody for a longer time, and after some time, you started adapting your own way of talking to the way that person talks?

Then you met a self-confident person. That person is being heard, seen and often times loved. That person has charisma and talking to him or her fills you with new energy. Their aura sucks you in and makes you change your energy, too.

Why are those people seen, heard and loved? Because they are shining with confidence, and that’s where the attention of most people goes.

So that’s your goal if you want to be seen and heard.

2. You will stop standing in your own way

Being self-confident means knowing your skills, your abilities and believing in them. There is no need to doubt your skills, and you can get out of your own way because there are just no self-doubts in the way that are keeping you small.

Imagine you would always just do what you want without letting your mind intervene. Imagine you could just go into action without hesitating, how different would your life look?

Really, the only reason you’re not living your dream life is because you are standing in your own way. Invest in your self-confidence, and things will radically change. Learn some more about how to get out of your own way here.

3. You will have resilience

Self-confident people know that every failure and every setback makes them stronger. They stand up after every down and keep going, because they believe that they are good enough and strong enough to make it. They don’t overthink, nor doubt, instead, they use the time to keep growing and making it great. You can do that, too! Step onto the path of progress and growth without ever letting anything kick you off the way.

Like Friedrich Nietzsche said:

“What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.”

4. If you believe in yourself, people will believe in you, too

If you start believing in yourself and your skills, you quickly will notice that other people will start to believe in you and trust you, too.

These last times, there have been people in my life who reached out to me and asked for my help or work, and people that I have reached out to that trusted me without asking again. I literally could not understand how those people could trust me that quickly and ask me to work for them. Like… what? Why should MY work be good enough for them?

But I quickly -thank God- realized that those are just my good old self-doubts and my well-known habit of keeping myself small. Now, every time those thoughts occur, I shake my head and laugh internally as I notice that I am really the only one standing in my way. This also shows me how far I’ve come in terms of my self-awareness, which makes me so proud!

Now the next level is to stop those thoughts from appearing, because I can already feel the excitment of the life beyond my limits announcing itself with a tingling feeling.

5. You will have the energy you need to reach your goals

Self-confidence gives you all the energy you need to work towards your goals. I have those times that I am lazy or I procrastinate, and when those happen, I am also full of resentment towards myself, I beat myself up, and my energy level goes even further down. In other words: I don’t feel self-confident. Those are also the times when my commitment to my goals fades and my progress comes to a halt.

What always helps then is to do some empowerment work, to get my negative self-talk out of the way and telling me I CAN start now and work. Again, the only one holding myself back is me, and I am lucky enough to know that.

When I then believe that I can, I have a lot more motivation, inspiration, commitment and energy to make progress and get things done. Belief in yourself is the key to success in every area of your life!

6. The universe will have your back

When you are self-confident and believe in yourself, your entire attitude is a more positive one, and if you’ve ever heard of the law of attraction, you know that that can only be good for your connection with the universe.

Fact is, the universe is always listening, and it will give you back what you put out into the world. If you are full of self-confident energy, you will see life in a different, more positive way, and that’s exactly what you are going to get back, too.

When you start to give the right energy out, you will notice it immediately… what looks like a coincidence first is actually the universe giving you credit for your self-confident energy you are giving out.

7. You will be your own shoulder to lean on

Self-confidence will help you to be your own shoulder to lean on. You don’t need anybody else, you can be strong on your own. Like this, you will avoid a lot of disappointment in your life because you don’t need the comforting from the outside anymore, so nobody can disappoint you anymore!

Help and emotional support transforms from essential to a luxus, and you can now choose for yourself if and when you are going to ask for help.

I hope you can see clearer now why you should be investing in your self-confidence, because it is not only the key to success in life, but it also makes your life easier and more worth living.

Self-confidence will change your entire way of Being in a positive way. You will be seen, people will trust you, you will never give up, you will get out of your own way, you will be strong and independent, you will have more energy and will reach your goals faster, and the universe will be more than ready to help you on your way.

What are you waiting for? Now that you know the key to YOUR success, it is time to start working towards your most confident version NOW!

If you have any more reason for why self-confidence is the key to success, feel free to write a comment! You can also always write me at

Find further reading on self-confidence:

Make it great!

My name is Claudia Bleser, I'm a coffee addict, a unicorn fan, and I love working out and eating... especially cakes and cookies. I love chatting with people about life and personal growth things, and oh, well, of course, I like writing. I'm happy you're here and I'd love to chat with you!



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