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30 affirmations for your self-love

Self-love affirmations are a great way to practice self-love. But why should you love yourself? Because self-love is the foundation for your best and most authentic life, and it is vital to grow personally and find happiness. Read more about the amazing benefits of self-love here.

Unfortunately, in everyday life, we often step back and suppress our own needs and desires because we think they are inappropriate and selfish. However, by doing so, we define ourselves as unworthy and limit ourselves, which ends in self-doubts and unhappiness. So we need to learn to love ourselves, and one major helpful exercise is practicing positive self-affirmations. For this, I provide you with 30 affirmations for your self-love! 

Affirmations are a great way to practice self-love. Learn how to use affirmations and get my 30 affirmations for your self-love! #self-loveaffirmations #selflovepractice #selflovejournal #selflovetips #personaldevelopment
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What are affirmations?

Affirmations are statements that you say and repeat to yourself in order to create a change in your mindset. They work on the level of your subconscious mind, which makes them an amazing tool to change your beliefs and improve your life.

Why affirmations?

Affirmations are a tool to change your beliefs

The way you live your life is determined by the beliefs you hold. You’ve developed your current beliefs throughout your life, and they are what guide you and determine your mindset and your actions.

However, those beliefs don’t always benefit you. They can limit you and get you to feeling stuck. Learn more about 5 common limiting beliefs here.

For example, if you believe that you are not good enough to master a given task, you’re most likely either not going to try or try and fail indeed because you didn’t believe you could do it.

Affirmations are an amazing tool to change the beliefs you hold about yourself and life.

How to use affirmations

1. Identify the belief you want to change

Ask yourself what is creating the problem you’re having. What do you believe about yourself that is making you feel miserable or stuck?

2. Think of an affirmation that can change that belief

For example; if your belief is that you should not speak your truth because nobody will listen to you, try something like this: “My opinion has value, and the right people will listen and understand.”

3. Repeat, repeat, repeat

Now it is time to integrate your affirmation into your day and repeat it as often as possible, until you start to believe it.

A good way to start is to keep a journal at your bed side and write down your affirmations several times first thing in the morning and last thing in the evening. Then, practice saying the words some more times throughout your day. It is best if you can speak them out loud to yourself.

Your self-love affirmations

So today I provide you with 30 example affirmations for your self-love. You can choose one or more of these as your affirmations, or just use them as inspiration for your own. Feel free!

IMPORTANT: Make sure you don’t try to use them all at once. You will only confuse both your conscious mind because you probably won’t remember all of them and your subconscious mind because that’s just too much information to digest. This practice only works if you work with one or a small number of affirmations at the same time.

So here they are:

1. I am amazing, beautiful and unique.

2. I love myself with all my heart. I love every single part of me, my strengths as well as my weaknesses.

3. I am just right the way I am and where I am.

4. I decide to be me entirely and always stay true to myself.

5. I am worthy of love, joy and happiness.

6. I choose to always love myself and therefore never blame myself.

7. I listen to my heart and my intuition and choose what is best for me.

8. I am growing every day.

9. I trust myself. I trust in the process, and I trust in life.

10. I am proud of myself and my achievements.

11. I don’t let other people influence my decisions or decide over my fate.

12. I appreciate, listen to and follow my own desires.

13. I believe in myself.

14. I am my own master and I take responsibility for my actions.

15. I can achieve everything I want.

16. I am the master of my destiny and I choose who I am.

17. I never choose wrong. Every decision makes me grow and brings me nearer to my truth.

18. I am strong and confident.

19. I am full of love for myself and people.

20. Everything is alright as long as I have myself.

21. I surround myself with people who inspire me.

22. I am happy with myself.

23. I embrace my imperfections. They make me unique.

24. Everything is how it is supposed to be.

25. I am special and unique, and this world needs me.

26. I am peaceful and balanced.

27. I release my self-doubts and make room for positivity and optimism.

28. I let go of hate and negativity towards myself and others and react with empathy and love.

29. I forgive myself and my past.

30. I am full of gratitude for all the amazing things in my life.

To wrap this up…

I hope some of the affirmations spoke to you. Take those and stick to them to feel the difference they make! Or create your own affirmations. I would love to hear what affirmations you chose! Feel free to tell me in the comments or send me a message to

If you want more affirmations, make sure you check out these 25 self-love affirmations to pick yourself up on bad days by Megan Hallier!

Also, check out these daily positive affirmations from Louise Hay!

My name is Claudia Bleser, I'm a coffee addict, a unicorn fan, and I love working out and eating... especially cakes and cookies. I love chatting with people about life and personal growth things, and oh, well, of course, I like writing. I'm happy you're here and I'd love to chat with you!




  • Yay for affirmations! Reading them always makes me feel so inspired and empowered. Thanks for sharing my post too 🙂

    • Claudia Bleser

      So true! They can be really powerful 🙂 Sure, your post’s great!

  • Bhaskar Rana

    Wow… You have clearly mentioned everything I have been seeking this whole time. I am following some of these affirmations for a while and I hope I can follow the others too. Thanks for posting such a great content 🙂👍. If possible, do check out my Pinterest page too @ranahealsdotcom.

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